What a misfortunate girl! Not much time has passed since Pam last Double Hip Spica got removed and she is back in the Castroom again! But I guess that exactly this happens, when you don´t listen to your doctor´s recommendation, to not put too much strain on bones that just have healed themselves. The normal treatment would be surgery to insert a rod in her thigh, but she is a model and doesn’t want any scars. Conservative treatment is the only option, so she is wheeled into the castroom in placed into the orthopedic casting table. The nurses quickly immobilise her femur with a large heavy plaster 1.5 hip spica. Once the cast is finished and they clean up the patient, she is transferred to a hospital bed.
Here she gets acquainted with her new state, laying flat on her back encased in heavy plaster, unable to move. She will be like this for the next 10-12 weeks. As the days pass by slowly, her cast starts to sport decorations and artwork from her friends. After a few weeks, her next step in recovery begins. The nurses transfer her to a transport bed, and take her to physiotherapy.
There she is helped onto her good leg, given crutches, and encouraged to try an move around on the crutches. After slowly huddling around for a few minutes, she is exhausted and needs to rest. The nurses return her to her hospital bed. After she has rested and the throbbing in her leg has faded, they place her fully casted leg in a sling to allow her to lay on her side. She lays there trying to keep a positive attitude as her months of recovery slowly drags on.