MINHA RECUPERAÇÃO! 🙏🏻❤ This is very nice, of course not 100%, but more like 97% kkk. Because there are many things that I did before, I haven’t done anything this day. But soon you will be 100%. Ready to run again.

9 meses hace

https://www.tiktok.com/@juuhpainsrj/video/7030166588598930693 MINHA RECUPERAÇÃO! 🙏🏻❤ Eu estou muito melhor, claro que não tô 100%, mas creio que 97% kkk. Pois muitas…

Ouch i broke my leg SLC

10 meses hace


Jumping with broken leg SLC

10 meses hace


Short leg cast SLC

10 meses hace


Broken knee

10 meses hace


Touching the leg to my husband SLC

10 meses hace


My dog take care of me SLC

10 meses hace

https://www.tiktok.com/@salubami08/video/7305621666141310213?q=pierna%20enyesada&t=1715389246386 les comparto algo más de lo que ha sido mi proceso de recuperación y las cosas que he hecho…

Ouch my leg … broken ankle

10 meses hace

https://www.tiktok.com/@evajara75/video/7301734147540749573?q=pie%20enyesado&t=1715378644532 #fyp #lesion #enyesada #pie #xybca #casi #pierdoelalma #futbol ya que😮‍💨😮‍💨

Long leg cast LLC

10 meses hace


Broken leg witk skate

10 meses hace
