V46 ayumi LAC

cgj cast video  http://gipsgips.com

2 años hace

39sara LAC

cgj cast video  http://gipsgips.com

2 años hace

Arm cast 34

Playlist Arm cast:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqN9m_bxVzg3SOseqtjqUdC0uo3DuFvOd Leg cast:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqN9m_bxVzg1iejkzuo311GY0MSyrS8iG Finger cast:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqN9m_bxVzg1SPPvP2f7KFqyFTxRJXDOe

2 años hace

Getting my first Cast ! Did I break my arm?? Dance Injury | Ella

Did I break my arm? I can't believe I had to get a cast and it was......DANCE RECITAL WEEK! :-O…

2 años hace

Gi quebrou o braço no caminho para a pedra furada em Jeri

Para nossos amigos que estavam perguntando como foi que a Gi quebrou o punho, aí está a história toda. Conheça…

2 años hace

andrea lekic 2.wmv

balonmano femenino

2 años hace

Caroline Goulart com o braço quebrado

Ela não estava rezando... rssssss

2 años hace

Adrys Broken PINKIE (:

Ah We Were Bored. There Goes Our Reputation (: Haha ((:

2 años hace

绿林寮 13.rm

左胳膊 骨折 打石膏 三角巾吊臂 armbroken plaster triangular-bandage sling LAC

2 años hace