Monique Mercure edit

Awesome vintage 1960s era SLWC

3 años hace

(M)ein Tag mit LLWC | ALEXANDRA FOOTAGE (Gipsbein, Full leg cast)

http://www.alexandrafootage.com Hier gibt's das LLWC Video – 3 Teile, ca. 45 Minuten! ____________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/alexandrafootage Mein neues Gips-Projekt "Cast unique"! ____________________________________________________…

3 años hace

Long Leg Cast (LLC) on the Balcony | CASTEDBARABRA

To watch a 10 minutes video of me doing some home stuff on the balcony go to: PATREON ~ https://www.patreon.com/Casted_Barbara…

3 años hace

Emily walking in her casts

Emily showing off her ability to walk in 2 full leg casts. . .

3 años hace

Gesso até a coxa….. fratura de tíbia

#1°Gesso #fraturatibia #engessada #pernaquebrada #brokenleg

3 años hace

putting on shorts [FULL LEG CAST]

NEW ****OrthoTape**** https://amzn.to/2wlgkBx https://amzn.to/2ONJMHU Blue! https://amzn.to/2wpD4jS White! 3M https://amzn.to/2wpjsMK White BSN https://amzn.to/2NcQXsV Pink 3M October is right around the corner!…

3 años hace